307CC doorhandle sensor / window problem

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307CC doorhandle sensor / window problem

Beitrag von RichiB »

Hello friends.

I have now bought my self a very nice Peugeot 307CC 2.0 Sport 177hp 2004 with red/black leather interior :-) Realy nice :-)
This car is ofcourse not perfect ;-)
I have some minor electrical problems.
When i bought the car all the windows/sdoor handle sensors worked fine, but suddenly after i unpluged the battery from the car the driver side window did not want to go all the way up.... it stoppes 10cm from top.
I found out that i could reset the windows and i did that and now the windows work fine but NOT the driver side door handle sensor..... :-(
The passenger side works fine, when i put my hand around the doorhandle the window goes dow a little bit and i can open the door, but this does not hapend on the driver side :-( I have to open the door a little bit and then it goes down a little bit.

How can i fix this?
You can see the problem in the youtube video below

Beiträge: 5955
Registriert: 25.02.2007 11:13
Wohnort: Delmenhorst
CC-Modell: 206cc
Motor: 1,6 l 109 PS
Farbe: Tie Break Grün
Baujahr: 2003

Re: 307CC doorhandle sensor / window problem

Beitrag von deltz »

Hello RichiB,

sorry, for me it's not possible from her to give some technical advice. Maybe, it could be the door handle senor or even the door look. What ever.... :gesterne:

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307CC Window going up and down by it self!

Beitrag von RichiB »

Can someone please help me? I have this very strange problem with my Peugeot 307 CC 2004.
The problem is that the sensor in my door handle only works sometimes and sometimes only after I have disconnected it for a while and then it works for just a couple of hours and then it's off again....
I have tried two different handles I have tried two different window motors i have tried different buttons and I have looked for broken cables....
My window is going fine automatically down and up but not perfect , when it goes down it stops 5 millimeters before bottom position.
Quit often the driver side window als has its own life... it goes up and down by it selfa couple of cm randomly. Only when i lock det car it stops.
I have tried to reset the wondows several times and allso reset the BSI but it does not wok :-(
And all this problem is only on the driver side door.
What can I do please help me?
Beiträge: 1678
Registriert: 12.03.2007 22:16
CC-Modell: 207cc
Motor: 120 VTi
Farbe: schwarz
Baujahr: 2010

Re: 307CC doorhandle sensor / window problem

Beitrag von MonacoFranze »

This is a german speaking forum, please try it in german! This is my last advice to that

Here you can find an english spoken forum: https://www.peugeotforums.com/

Google finds these videos by searching for "peugeot 307cc door handle problem":

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